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Recipe : Famous Orek Tempe

   Orek tempe known as side dish to acompany eating rice. Orek tempe familiar to betawinese nasi uduk ( you can check the recipe here : Betawinese Uduk Rice ). But this dish able to joy it just with hot rice and sambal. Thats a great breakfast to start the days with some omelet. So now lets make your own Orek Tempe!

Main Ingredient:
  1. 1 Tempe package
  2. 5 shallots ( thinly chopped)
  3. 3 garlic cloves ( thinly chopped)
  4. 3 red curly chillies ( or based on your taste)
  5. 2 cm Galangal ( bruised)
  6. 1 indonesian bay leaves
  7. 1 lemongrass ( bruised)
  8. 2 lime leaves ( thinly chopped)
  9. Salt and sugar  to taste ( you can also use coconut sugar)
  10. 1,5 tbsp Soy sweet sauce
  11. 1/2 tbsp salty soy sauce
How To Make :
  1. Chopped the tempe into matches sizes. Deeply fried until crispy. Drain.
  2. Sautee the shallots, garlic cloves, chillies, galangal, lemongrass, lime leaves and indonesian bay leaves until fragnant.
  3. Add the tempe. Also add salt, sugar, sweet and salty soy sauce. Mix well.
  4. Your Orek Tempe ready to serve!