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Recipe : Vegan Chicken Wings

    Vegan chicken wing is ne of the dish that suit for vegetarian and non veggetarian people. This dish kindly has many health benefit to our body, cause it vegan. Wanna know more? Lets make your own  simle and easy Vegan Chicken Wing now!

Prep Time : 5 minutes
Cook Time : 10 minutes
Serve : 2 people
Ingredient :
  1. 1 pack of tempeh (240g, you can also use Tofu )
  2. 1 Tbsp of olive oil 
  3. 1 Tbsp of chinese 5 spices.
Barbeque Sauce:
  1. 2 Tbsp of Hoisin Sauce ( you can also use teriyaki sauce)
  2. 2 Tbsp of Soy Sauce
  3. 1/2 Tsp of Sesame oil
  4. 2 Tbsp of Sriracha you can add more in case you need it spicy
  5. 2 Tbsp of natural Honey you could change with maple syrup
  6. 1/4 Tsp of liquid smoke
  7. Salt and pepper to taste
  8. some Toasted Sesame seeds to garnish
How To Make :
  1. Cut tempeh into triangle shape.
  2. Make your barbeque sauce through mixing all ingredients together in a bowl.
  3. heat oil in frying pan on high heat. 
  4. In a bowl, place your triangles tempeh and five spice. Rub your 5 spice at the tempeh lightly.
  5. Add tempeh and sear until each sides are completely cooked and crispy.
  6. Add your sizzling tempeh to the bowl of barbecue sauce and toss until it's  completely covered.
  7. Heat pan on high heat and add tempeh. Your bowl will still have sauce in it, don’t add it to the pan, set apart for later.
  8. Cook for not than a minute. just till you see caramelization.
  9. Now, add your warm tempeh to that barbecue bowl again and toss. This can ensure that crispy and sticky texture all of us love.
  10. Garnish with some toasted sesame seeds and enjoy !
Recipe Source : Vegan Chicken wings