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Recipe : Famous Ikan Kuah Asam

   Ikan kuah asam is sour fih soup that is generally found in eastern Indonesia. It is a popular dish across North Sulawesi, Maluku, and West Papua. In Maluku and West Papua, especially, ikan kuah asam is served with papeda, sago congee that bears glue-like consistency and texture. So now, let's make your own Ikan Kuah Asam!

Main Ingredients:
  1. 1 red snapper or garoupa (medium-size, around 600 grams)
  2. 2 green tomatoes (cut into 8 pieces)
  3. 10 bilimbis (diagonally cut)
  4. 8 kaffir lime leaves (veins removed)
  5. 1 stems lemon basil
  6. 2 scallions (roughly chopped)
  7. 1 thumb size-piece ginger (roughly sliced)
  1. 15 bird's eye chillies
  2. 1 garlic clove (thinly sliced)
  3. 5 shallots (thinly sliced)
  4. 5 tbsp. tamarind juice
  5. 5 calamansi (squizeed)
  6. 1 tsp. white papper
How To Make:
  1. Clean fish, cut into 3-4 pieces.
  2. Heat a little oil in a skillet and sautee the shallots and garli. Pour two liters of water into the skillet. Place the fish in the skillet.
  3. Add ginger, tomatoes, bilimbi, kaffir lime leaves, tamarind juice, calamansi juice and pepper. After the soup comes to a booil, add lemon basil and scallion.