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Recipe : Famous Betawinese Kerak Telor ( Egg Crust )

     One of Betawinese signature dish, is Kerak Telor. Kerak telor or egg crust is a dish made from white sticky rice, duck egg and spices originate of Betawi. This dish is very simple to made and already exist since a long time ago and also known for Jakarta Born- day on June. Now lets make your own Kerak Telor or egg crust.

Main Ingredient :
  1. 100 gr white sticky rice
  2. 250 ml rice soaking water
  3. 100 gr harsh grated coconut  ( roasted)
  4. 5 duck egg
  5. 15 gr ebi ( brew, roasted and make a ground)
  6. 30 gr fried shallots
Ground spices :
  1. 4 red currly chillies
  2. 3 cm kaempferia
  3. 1 cm ginger
  4.  1/2 tsp pepper
Note : Mix all ground spices to a ground spice powder.

How To Make :
  1. Heat a little cooking oil in a pan. Stir - fry the ground spices until fragnant.
  2. Soak white sticky rice with water over 1 night.
  3. Heat a little cooking oil in concave skillet, Toss in 1 1/2 tbsp white sticky rice. Pour in 3 tbsp rice soaking water. Let it until half dried.
  4. Beat one duck egg, 1/2 tsp ground spice powder, 1/2 tsp ebi, 1/2 tbsp fried shallots, 1/8 stp salt and sugar.
  5. Pour in the top of sticky rice on the concave skillet stirr well. Let it until cooked with the cover of the pan.
  6. Kerak Telor ready to serve.